Implementing PRA CP4/23 - The Strong and Simple Framework: Liquidity and Disclosure requirements for Simpler-regime Firms
The PRA has published a Consultation Paper describing the first stage of its intended “strong and simple” framework of regulatory guidance for smaller UK banks and building societies. This regime is expected to result in a materially less onerous yet robust capital and liquidity risk management framework for banks that are not systemically important.
In this seminar The BTRM will be presenting a summary of the Consultation Paper and what its proposals will mean for simpler-regime banks. We will highlight:
- the new “streamlined” ILAAP template
- changes to the NSFR framework and the new reporting metric, the Retail Deposits Ratio
- implications for Pillar 2 liquidity
- the simplified liquidity monitoring requirements
- implications for Pillar 3 Disclosures
The seminar will conclude with a Q&A session with the speaker and other members of the esteemed BTRM Faculty.

Head of BTRM Faculty
Chris Westcott
Chris Westcott has over 30 years of experience in the banking industry, with the majority of time spent in the field of Treasury management. He has held a range of senior positions in the Treasury functions of both Nat West and Royal Bank of Scotland in the UK. These have included divisional Treasurer roles and various project assignments, such as leading the development of an in-house securitisation capability and the integration of the ABN AMRO Treasury function post-acquisition.
In the lead-up to the implementation of CRD IV, Chris was the Basel 3 Programme Director for RBS, accountable for over-seeing the group-wide set of projects to achieve compliance with the new regulations.
Chris joined the BTRM Faculty in 2014